Betway is a European sports betting company that is just getting started here in the U.S. When they came to us to help them launch stateside, we knew we’d need to find a way to set them apart from the bigger players in the field. And if you look at the competition, you’ll see that they’re all pretty focused on the gambling aspect of sports betting. The odds, the payouts, the winning.
To separate Betway from the pack, we came up with this launch campaign — because we know that true sports fans aren’t really into sports betting for the payouts…they’re in it because they love sports and a few bucks on the game makes the game even better. They do it…For the Sport of It.
CCO: Samira Ansari
CD Art: MyTran Dang
CW: Tanner Manscill
AD: Jasmine Gainous
AD: Cole Davis